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Video: AVC at 3 000 Kbps, Aspect: 1280 x 720 (1.778) at 30.000 fpsĪudio: AAC at 128 Kbps, Infos: 2 channels, 44.1 KHzīrendon Taylor, Casey Williams, Enrico Vega, Jay Ross, Johnny Thrust, Matt Sizemore, Patrick Allen, Sam Dixon, Troy Bannerĭoug Jeffries stamps his signature on this sex romp where weird things happen to blond bottom, Jay Ross. At his contact all the guys turn into super dogs in need of a tail. And to close the whole thing, he initiated a little manly fag and a bearded man. While travelling in Berlin, he shapes the face of playboy Logan Moore and makes his mouth and cunt addicted to his phenomenal stem. Definitely launched into a fierce ass-breaking, the XXL Traun will then dominate two guys in a parking lot for an unforgettable exhbitionist three-way shot. This earned HiM the title of Barcelona's best fucker! No bottom can resist HiM and in this film it's a festival of ball-deep fucking! Aday starts blowing off one of his friends by making HiM worship his sneakers and feet before blowing up all the holes without mercy.

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Alpha and nice in everyday life, Aday turns into a ruthless hunk when it comes time to fuck. Top only, he is that big, strong, bogus Spanish guy with whom the boys like to hang out.

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There are guys like that who smell of sex from miles away. HardKinks - Aday Traun - Barcelona's Hottest Fuckerĭylan Arton, Dani Basch, Mikel Bosco, Carlos Bellic, Aday Traun, Logan Moore

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